

Sundays 11:00 a.m. to approximately 12:15 p.m.

Join us for our worship service every Sunday morning. Don't miss Food and Fellowship every week after the service!


We will meet both in person and remotely via Zoom for our worship service. See details below. Come join us! 

July 28: “Burning Bright” 

Speaker: Rev. Rayna Hamre

Book banning and burning have long been a part of human history. Author Ray Bradbury wrote the iconic book Fahrenheit 451 on this very topic, published on October 19, 1953. Southern California and the rest of the US are now experiencing book and information suppression through legislation, unbelievably echoing the themes of his story. Understanding the forces driving the current fear mongering around books, libraries, and library staff can help Unitarian Universalists move forward with wise and courageous social justice actions.  

August 4: A People’s Guide to Orange County

Speaker: Gustavo Arellano

A People's Guide to Orange County is an alternative tour guide that documents sites of oppression, resistance, struggle, and transformation in Orange County, California. Co-authors Elaine Lewinnek, Gustavo Arellano, and Thuy Vo Dang go beyond the obvious — Disneyland, the beaches, the Republican Party, and more — to offer a fresh take on the history of a region stereotyped in the United States as a vapid wasteland by telling the stories of people, places, and ideas long suppressed. Gustavo Arellano is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, former editor of OC Weekly, and author of the books Orange County: A Personal History, Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America, and ¡Ask A Mexican!  

August 11 - “Something Judges Us, Something Accepts Us”

Speaker: Eduardo Rivero

You are perfect the way you are … and you could use a little improvement,” writes Japanese Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki. This sermon explores our interior sense of being both judged and accepted. Sermon written by the Rev. Bruce Bode.

August 18 - “The Thread”

Speaker: Chaplain Michael Eselun

Popular guest speaker and UCLA oncology chaplain, Michael Eselun will reflect and explore the idea of a single thread that may run through our entire lives—what it takes to find it, what is our relationship to it, and how it just might help us make sense of the whole journey thus far. 

August 25 - “Righting History”

Speaker: Rev. Everett Howe 

How do we come to know about certain stories and people from history, but not about others? In this service we’ll consider some examples of forgotten or mis-remembered people and events from the liberal religious tradition. These stories lead to ethical and theological reflections that may help change how we listen to — and how we talk about — history. This Sunday's speaker, Everett Howe (he/him), is a UU minister based in San Diego. He works part-time for the UUA helping to maintain the WorshipWeb online resource, and does paid and volunteer pastoral work for congregations in San Diego County. In addition to his ministerial work, Rev. Howe continues to spend half his time with his first calling: research mathematics.

Join us and socialize before the Worship Service. Email your joys and concerns or any announcements to include in the service by Saturday night to uuanaheim@gmail.com. On Zoom, please keep your microphone muted during the service to avoid interruption. During the section for joys and concerns, you will be recognized by the host when it is your time to share. View our prior recorded sermons on our UUCA Facebook page.

Dear Fellow UU Anaheim Congregants

The UUCA Board of Trustees has decided that the wearing of masks at our in-person services and meetings is now voluntary. The reduction in Covid-19 infections has allowed this change, but those who wish to continue wearing masks are free to do so. We also recommend that attendees receive vaccinations for COVID-19, and if you are sick, please stay home. 

We will also again host our communal potlucks after Sunday worship services. Please contribute a dish if you can, and use the hand sanitizer for everyone's safety. We look forward to seeing you all here, either in person or virtually, however you are most comfortable. We will inform you by email and on our web site if conditions change again.

Warm regards, 

Your UUCA Board of Trustees

Our Minister - Rev. Judy Tomlinson

Click for More about Our Minister