Social Justice

Immigration Forum ~ Saturday, February 15, 2pm

OC PSL invites community members from all around Orange County to inform, educate, and strategize on local immigration issues. OC Rapid Response Network will be a guest speaker. Join our Social Justice Committee at 511 S. Harbor Blvd in Anaheim for this event.

UUA Joins Lawsuit Challenging ICE’s “Sensitive Locations Policy” 


Social Justice is an important part of our church and our history. We participate in many events throughout the year where you can be of service.

One of the great ways to start is to attend the Social Justice Committee meeting. Also, you can check our calendar for any upcoming opportunities.

The Social Justice Committee (SJC) consists of at least five members elected at a congregational meeting. Members serve two-year terms and may be re-elected. Other persons may serve on the committee as non-voting members. The SJC keeps informed of events and issues of concern to religious liberals and encourages the study of such issues by church members. It informs the membership of needs and opportunities for social action and makes recommendations of ways and means to achieve effective action. 

Currently, the committee is focused on economic justice, racial justice, and voting rights. The committee decides how to take action in these and other areas and how funds should be disbursed. Committee members also decide on speakers to invite to upcoming Saturday Afternoon Forum programs. Please contact the church office if you would like to attend the monthly Zoom meeting.

Support Our Unhoused Neighbors ~ sack lunch prep every Friday from 2-4pm - each week we'll prepare 48 lunches. You can help assemble lunches and/or bring food & drinks. Please use the SignUpGenius link below.

SJC 3rd Saturday Afternoon Forum, time varies - For more information please contact us at (657) 208-3606 or 

Fundraiser for Ruth Shapin Memorial Fund 

You can help raise funds for our ongoing social justice programs when you purchase books in the link below. In addition to 10% of the purchase price going to UUCA, will set aside an additional 10% that will be distributed to local, independent book sellers. 




More information >>

Voting Rights

UU the Vote - UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. All through 2024 the UUA is supporting congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands of Unitarian Universalists to mobilize for electoral justice at the local, state and national levels. Want to do more? You could:

Reclaim Our Vote  - GOTV postcard writing session on the 1st Saturday of the month (August 3 from 1-5pm, September 7 from 1-5pm, October 5 from 9am to 3pm). This activity is conducted in strict adherence to IRS guidelines for non-profit organizations. Our focus is purely on encouraging voter participation and civic engagement, without endorsing any specific candidates or political parties. 

Power the Polls by becoming a poll worker!

Racial Justice

Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

On July 19, 2020, the UUCA Board and Social Justice Committee issued the following statement of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement:

"We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim, in recognition of the long, pervasive history of racism against African-Americans and other People of Color in the U.S., wish to voice our support for the Black Lives Matter movement. We express our strong support for this movement by opposing police brutality, mass imprisonment of African-Americans, racial profiling, racial discrimination, economic injustices, voter restrictions, and other injustices which negatively impact the Black community. We vow to join the BLM struggle for justice and equality, and stand in solidarity with our African-American brothers and sisters."

Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of California

Economic Justice

Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality. Join the local Orange County meetings. Check their Facebook page for details.

United Way to End Homelessness's overall goal is to end homelessness in Orange County. Key to achieving this is implementing the recommendations laid out in the groundbreaking 2017 UCI Homelessness Cost study. Please sign their pledge to #EndHomelessnessOC.   

Housing is a Human Right Orange County (HHROC)